Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Different Symptoms and Risk Factors of Rectal Cancer

The rectum can be found at the lower part of the person's colon. It is where stools are being stored to make it ready for evacuation. Unfortunately, Santa Monica rectal cancer patients may suffer because the process of evacuating stools may prove to be such an agony for them. Read further to find out the different symptoms and risk factors of rectal cancer.

The Symptoms

Appearance of blood in stool

Some people do have blood mixed in their stools especially if they have pre existing hemorrhoids. However, this occurrence should not be taken lightly as this can also serve as a symptom of rectal cancer.

Rectal bleeding

There are also cases when people experience prolonged bleeding in their rectum. This symptom of rectal cancer can also lead to anemia, palpitation, fatigue, light headedness, and hyperventilation.


One of the symptoms of rectal cancer includes constipation. This happens when the rectal mass becomes large enough to block the passage of stool in the rectum. As a result, one will definitely experience pain during bowel movement.

Thin stools

Those who have large rectal mass will have very thin stools. This happens because the stools need to be thin enough to be able to pass around the large rectal mass. If the individual frequently experiences having these pencil-thin stools, he or she must consult a doctor.

Incomplete evacuation of stool

The person who has rectal cancer will always have this feeling that they can never completely get rid of their stools no matter how hard they try. After a bowel movement, they would feel dissatisfied as they sense that there is still some amount of stool which has not yet been evacuated.

The Risk Factors

It may take several years before one will be diagnosed with rectal cancer. This is because rectal may first appear to be a polyp. However, if left untreated, these polyps can grow and develop into cancer. This occurs when polyps begin to penetrate the walls of the individual's rectum. The exact causes of rectal cancer are still the subject of research of many medical experts today. However, there are already known risk factors for rectal cancer, such as the following:

1. Cigarette smoking
Long-term smoking increases one's risk of developing rectal cancer.

2. Personal and medical history
Women who were diagnosed with cancer of the uterus or ovary may also develop rectal cancer. Those people whose parents, siblings and other first-degree relatives are battling with rectal cancer are also at risk of developing the same condition.

3. Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis and any other condition which causes an inflammation in the colon may put an individual at risk of developing rectal cancer. This is true especially if the inflammation has been experienced for several years.

4. Old age
Studies have shown that majority of those who been diagnosed with rectal cancer are those people who are at the age of 50 and older.

If you find yourself having these risk factors and you are experiencing all or any of the abovementioned symptoms, better consult your professional health care provider immediately.